By Law Dogs, Puppies, Kittens and Cats require microchipping. The responsibility of this is by the breeder. We trained and qualified to microchip the above animals along with any small animals or reptiles that may require microchipping.
Microchipping a litter of 1-6 puppies, kittens or other small animals. Includes FREE breeder registration on a UK Approved database. Molly’s K9 Pals uses Animal Microchips database. We will do all the registration of your pet’s details. You the breeder simply give the Microchip document card to the new owner for them to change the ownership of their new pet over to themselves for them to be the legal registered keeper. The process is very simple and instructions are on their paperwork - There is a one off fee of £24 inclusive of VAT for the new owner, I do suggest that if possible that this is set up before the pet leaves however it can be done once they get home.
Microchipping a littler of 7+ puppies, kittens or other small animals. Includes FREE breeder registration on a UK Approved database. Molly’s K9 Pals uses Animal Microchips database. We will do all the registration of your pet’s details. You the breeder simply give the Microchip document card to the new owner for them to change the ownership of the pet over to themselves for them to be the legal registered keeper, The process is very simple and instructions are on their paperwork - There is a one off fee of £24 inclusive of VAT for the new owner, I do suggest that if possible that this is set up before the pet leaves however it can be done once they get home.